Date: 4/24/2020
import json
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from import json_normalize
# To make a printed line bold
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
def printmd(string):
To run this code step by step, click inside each cell then press: (shift + enter), or you can use Run command
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
window = tk.Tk()
window.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1)
window.withdraw() # this supress the tk window, we don't need it
filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=window,
title="Select A File",
filetypes = (("Text files", "*.txt"), ("JSON files", "*.json"), ("All files", "*")))
# Here, window.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1) and "parent=window" help open the dialog box on top of other windows
# Load JSON file in .txt file format and print headers info under a key (PETScanHeader) using the keywords in the JSON file
with open(filename) as json_file: # filename is a string (str)
data = json.load(json_file) # data is now a dictionery
#print(type(data)) # to check data type
#print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
printmd('**-----------------PET SCANNER, PHANTOM AND IMAGE INFORMATION---------------------**')
print("Manufacturer:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['Manufacturer'])
print("Scanner Model:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['ManufacturerModelName'])
print("Reconstruction Method:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['ReconstructionMethod'])
print("Phantom Type:", data.get("PhantomType"))
print("Per Bed Duration:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['ActualFrameDuration'])
print("X, Y Pixel Spacing (mm):", data.get("PETScanHeader")['PixelSpacing'])
print("Slice Thickness (mm):", data.get("PETScanHeader")['SliceThickness'])
print("X, Y array (dim):", data.get("PETScanHeader")['Rows'])
print("Iterations:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['Iterations'])
print("Subset:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['Subsets'])
print("Gaussian (mm):", data.get("PETScanHeader")['GaussianFilter'])
# Print headers info under a key (MetaData)
printmd('**-----------------META DATA INFORMATION---------------------**')
print("SNMMI Phantom Analysis Form:", data.get("MetaData")['SNMMIPhantomAnalysisForm'])
print("Site Contact Name:", data.get("MetaData")['SNMMIPhantomAnalysisForm'])
print("SNMMI Phantom Analysis Form:", data.get("MetaData")['Site Contact Name'])
print("Background Activity Syringe (uCi):", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 1 activity'])
print("Background Syringe Time:", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 1 assay time'])
print("Background Syringe Residual Activity (uCi):", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 1 Residual Activity'])
print("Background Syringe Residual Time:", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 1 Residual Activity Time'])
print("Background Fill Volume (mL):", data.get("MetaData")['Full phantom Weight (g)'])
print("Sphere Activity Syringe (uCi):", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 2 activity'])
print("Sphere Syringe Time:", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 2 assay time'])
print("Sphere Syringe Residual Activity (uCi):", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 2 Residual Activity'])
print("Sphere Syringe Residual Time:", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 2 Residual Activity Time'])
print("Sphere Solution Volume (mL):", data.get("MetaData")['Sphere Solution Volume (1000 g)'])
print("Expected Contrast:", data.get("ExpectedContrast"))
print("Software Name:", data.get("SoftwareName"))
print("Software Version:", data.get("SoftwareVersion"))
print("Software Date:", data.get("SoftwareDate"))
# Pull out spehere ID's and diameters: using (software in-buit) Model key
# json_normalize is faster than 'for' statement
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
#print("************** SPHERE ID, MODEL POSITION, AND DIAMETER **************")
#model_id = pd.json_normalize(data['Model'])
# It looks like the recent version of json file contains 'MeasurementModel' key instead of 'Model'
model_id = pd.json_normalize(data['MeasurementModel'])
# model_id
# Let us round position values to 4 decimal places
# Create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(model_id)
# Flatten Positions with pd.series
df_p = df['Position'].apply(pd.Series)
df_p_0 = df_p[0].apply(pd.Series)
df_p_1 = df_p[1].apply(pd.Series)
df_p_2 = df_p[2].apply(pd.Series)
# Round position values to 4 decimal places
df_p_0 = round(df_p_0, 4)
df_p_1 = round(df_p_1, 4)
df_p_2 = round(df_p_2, 4)
# Rename Position[X, Y, Z] as:
df_p_0.columns = ['Pos_X']
df_p_1.columns = ['Pos_Y']
df_p_2.columns = ['Pos_Z']
df_new = pd.concat([df, df_p_0, df_p_1, df_p_2], axis=1)
# Drop the old column Position and visualize it
df_new = df_new.drop(columns=['Position'])
# Re-arrange columns
df_new = df_new[['ModelPointId', 'Pos_X', 'Pos_Y', 'Pos_Z', 'Diameter', 'Type']]
printmd('**Table 1: Pos_X, Pos_Y and Pos_Z are centroids of the Model spheres**')
# Pull out phantom measurement spehere ID's and diameters: using MeasurementModel key (Transformed Position)
measurement_ids = pd.json_normalize(data, "MeasurementModel")
# Create the dataframe
ef = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(measurement_ids)
# Flatten Positions with pd.series
ef_p = ef['Position'].apply(pd.Series)
ef_p_0 = ef_p[0].apply(pd.Series)
ef_p_1 = ef_p[1].apply(pd.Series)
ef_p_2 = ef_p[2].apply(pd.Series)
# Round position values to 4 decimal places
ef_p_0 = round(ef_p_0, 4)
ef_p_1 = round(ef_p_1, 4)
ef_p_2 = round(ef_p_2, 4)
# Rename Position[X, Y, Z] as:
ef_p_0.columns = ['Pos_X']
ef_p_1.columns = ['Pos_Y']
ef_p_2.columns = ['Pos_Z']
ef_new = pd.concat([ef, ef_p_0, ef_p_1, ef_p_2], axis=1)
# Drop the old column Position and visualize it
ef_new = ef_new.drop(columns=['Position'])
# Re-arrange columns
ef_new = ef_new[['ModelPointId', 'Pos_X', 'Pos_Y', 'Pos_Z', 'Diameter', 'Type']]
print('**Note: Pos_X, Pos_Y and Pos_Z are centroids of the spheres**')
# Let us check the JSON phantom key "Measurements"
measurements = pd.json_normalize(data['Measurements'])
# let us check the index, columns and values of pandas Dataframe "measurements"
index = measurements.index
columns = measurements.columns
values = measurements.values
# columns # to pull out Pull out columns headers name
# Let us set rows and columns of the data to be visualize, set each as 500. The default value is 10, i.e, if no number of
# rows or columns are specified it will print only 10 rows
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
# Let's select all the columns -- ModelPointId, Diameter, IsInsert, Mean, etc. (see below)
# Let us read all data values in measurements; it is the block of all data values for all spheres.
# We can pull out the data for individual spheres; see below for each spheres
# let us round the data for 4 decimal place, data [] are not numbers so special treatment should be done if we are interested!
# If you want to visualize all the data then uncomment following two lines
#print("********************* COLLECTIVE TABLE FOR SPHERE INSERTS AND BACKGROUND ROI'S FOR ALL DIAMETERS ************************")
#round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Center', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500', 'PeakLocation', 'Peak500Location']], 4)
# Data belong to sphere size 37 mm
# First column is the index
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) # None is unlimited, default 10 rows
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)
# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 37.0 mm
printmd('**Table 3: STATISTICS OF 37 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_37mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 37.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) # None is unlimited, default 10 rows
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)
# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 28.0 mm
printmd('**Table 4: STATISTICS OF 28 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_28mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 28.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) # None is unlimited, default 10 rows
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)
# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 22.0 mm
printmd('**Table 5: STATISTICS OF 22 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_22mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 22.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)
# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 17.0 mm
printmd('**Table 6: STATISTICS OF 17 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_17mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 17.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)
# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 13.0 mm
printmd('**Table 7: STATISTICS OF 13 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_13mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 13.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)
# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 13.0 mm
printmd('**Table 8: STATISTICS OF 10 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_10mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 10.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)
# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 13.0 mm
printmd('**Table 9: STATISTICS OF 7 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_7mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 7.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]
# background mean per sphere diameter
BackgroundMeanPerDiameter = pd.json_normalize(data['BackgroundMeanPerDiameter'])
ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios'])
BackgroundMeanPerDiameter = BackgroundMeanPerDiameter.rename(index={0: "RCMean"})
BackgroundMeanPerDiameter = BackgroundMeanPerDiameter.transpose()
ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios = ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios.rename(index={0: "ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatio"})
ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios = ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios.transpose()
output = pd.concat([BackgroundMeanPerDiameter, ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios], axis=1, sort=False)
printmd('**Table 10: RC mean & Contrast Recovery To Noise Ratio**')
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
A = pd.json_normalize(data['RecoveryCoefficentsMean'])
B = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryCoefficentsMean'])
C = pd.json_normalize(data['RecoveryCoefficentsMax'])
D = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryCoefficentsMax'])
E = pd.json_normalize(data['RecoveryCoefficentsPeak'])
F = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryCoefficentsPeak'])
G = pd.json_normalize(data['RecoveryCoefficentsPeak500'])
H = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryCoefficentsPeak500'])
A = A.rename(index={0: "RCMean"})
A = A.transpose()
B = B.rename(index={0: "CRCMean"})
B = B.transpose()
C = C.rename(index={0: "RCMax"})
C = C.transpose()
D = D.rename(index={0: "CRCMax"})
D = D.transpose()
E = E.rename(index={0: "RCPeak"})
E = E.transpose()
F = F.rename(index={0: "CRCPeak"})
F = F.transpose()
G = G.rename(index={0: "RCPeak500"})
G = G.transpose()
H = H.rename(index={0: "CRCPeak500"})
H = H.transpose()
result = pd.concat([A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H], axis=1, sort=False)
printmd('**Table 11: STATISTICS IN TABULAR FORM**')
printmd('Note: Upper 37-7 mm sphere data in table are for uniform background, and lower 22-10 mm for lung background')
# Add diameter (mm) information
# Indexes 0, 1, 2, ....11 are respectively 37, 28, 22, 17, 13, 10, 7, 22, 17, 13, 10, 10 mm spheres
# Rename the index numbers by spheres diameters
result.index = [37, 28, 22, 17, 13, 10, 7, 22, 17, 13, 10, 10]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
x = 37, 28, 22, 17, 13, 10
y = A[0:6] # A is Recovery Ceofficient Mean from above table
y1 = B[0:6]
y2 = C[0:6]
y3 = D[0:6]
y4 = E[0:6]
y5 = F[0:6]
y6 = G[0:6]
y7 = H[0:6]
plt.xlabel('Sphere Diameter (mm)',fontsize=20)
plt.plot(x, y, label='RCMean', color='red', linestyle='dashed', marker='o', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y1, label='CRCMean', color='blue', linestyle='dashed', marker='v', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y2, label='RCMax', color='yellow', linestyle='dashed', marker='^', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y3, label='CRCMax', color='black', linestyle='dashed', marker='8', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y4, label='RCPeak', color='grey', linestyle='dashed', marker='p', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y5, label='CRCPeak', color='brown', linestyle='dashed', marker='P', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y6, label='RCPeak500', color='green', linestyle='dashed', marker='H', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y7, label='CRCPeak500', color='magenta', linestyle='dashed', marker='+', markersize=10)
plt.legend(loc='lower right',prop={'size': 12})
#plt.title('Statistics vs. sphere diameter', fontsize=16 )