Parsing JSON file in Python for "Phantom Data Analysis"

Written by: Ashok Tiwari, PhD Candidate, Department of Radiology and Physics, University of Iowa,

Date: 4/24/2020

Concept: John Sunderland, PhD

Revised at: 05/31/2021

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In [1]:
import json
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from import json_normalize

# To make a printed line bold
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
def printmd(string):

The cells with # sign is the comment, code is self-explanatory.

To run this code step by step, click inside each cell then press: (shift + enter), or you can use Run command

Useful tips:

  • Q. How to download Jupyter notebook and run this code?
  • Go to: Link here select Operating system and download it, then install the program, just follow the on-screen instructions
  • Then you should be good to go.
  • On MAC OS, click on lunchpad, choose Anaocnda Navigator, then find Jupyter Notebook and lunch it
  • On Windows, typ Jupyter Notebook in search box near the start menu, then it should start
  • After opening an application it should direct you to the browser

Wait: Select a file for analysis using the dialog box

In [2]:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog

window = tk.Tk()
window.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1)
window.withdraw()   # this supress the tk window, we don't need it

filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=window,
                                      title="Select A File",
                                      filetypes = (("Text files", "*.txt"), ("JSON files", "*.json"), ("All files", "*")))
# Here, window.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1) and "parent=window" help open the dialog box on top of other windows

<class 'str'>
In [3]:
# Load JSON file in .txt file format and print headers info under a key (PETScanHeader) using the keywords in the JSON file

with open(filename) as json_file:          # filename is a string (str)
    data = json.load(json_file)            # data is now a dictionery
    #print(type(data))                     # to check data type

    #print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
    printmd('**-----------------PET SCANNER, PHANTOM AND IMAGE INFORMATION---------------------**')
    print("Manufacturer:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['Manufacturer'])
    print("Scanner Model:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['ManufacturerModelName'])
    print("Reconstruction Method:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['ReconstructionMethod'])
    print("Phantom Type:", data.get("PhantomType"))
    print("Per Bed Duration:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['ActualFrameDuration'])
    print("X, Y Pixel Spacing (mm):", data.get("PETScanHeader")['PixelSpacing'])
    print("Slice Thickness (mm):", data.get("PETScanHeader")['SliceThickness'])
    print("X, Y array (dim):", data.get("PETScanHeader")['Rows'])
    print("Iterations:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['Iterations'])
    print("Subset:", data.get("PETScanHeader")['Subsets'])
    print("Gaussian (mm):", data.get("PETScanHeader")['GaussianFilter'])
    # Print headers info under a key (MetaData)

    printmd('**-----------------META DATA INFORMATION---------------------**')
    print("SNMMI Phantom Analysis Form:", data.get("MetaData")['SNMMIPhantomAnalysisForm'])
    print("Site Contact Name:", data.get("MetaData")['SNMMIPhantomAnalysisForm'])
    print("SNMMI Phantom Analysis Form:", data.get("MetaData")['Site Contact Name'])

    print("Background Activity Syringe (uCi):", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 1 activity'])
    print("Background Syringe Time:", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 1 assay time'])
    print("Background Syringe Residual Activity (uCi):", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 1 Residual Activity'])
    print("Background Syringe Residual Time:", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 1 Residual Activity Time'])
    print("Background Fill Volume (mL):", data.get("MetaData")['Full phantom Weight (g)'])

    print("Sphere Activity Syringe (uCi):", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 2 activity'])
    print("Sphere Syringe Time:", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 2 assay time'])
    print("Sphere Syringe Residual Activity (uCi):", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 2 Residual Activity'])
    print("Sphere Syringe Residual Time:", data.get("MetaData")['Syringe 2 Residual Activity Time'])
    print("Sphere Solution Volume (mL):", data.get("MetaData")['Sphere Solution Volume (1000 g)'])

    print("Expected Contrast:", data.get("ExpectedContrast"))
    print("Software Name:", data.get("SoftwareName"))
    print("Software Version:", data.get("SoftwareVersion"))
    print("Software Date:", data.get("SoftwareDate"))

-----------------PET SCANNER, PHANTOM AND IMAGE INFORMATION---------------------

Scanner Model: Discovery MI DR
Reconstruction Method: VPFX
Phantom Type: CTN
Per Bed Duration: 600000
X, Y Pixel Spacing (mm): [2.734375, 2.734375]
Slice Thickness (mm): 3.27
X, Y array (dim): 256
Iterations: 3
Subset: 32
Gaussian (mm): 6.0

-----------------META DATA INFORMATION---------------------

SNMMI Phantom Analysis Form: v.1.0
Site Contact Name: v.1.0
SNMMI Phantom Analysis Form: pscWebExport - owner: sunderland_staff
Background Activity Syringe (uCi): 958.0
Background Syringe Time: 14:41:00
Background Syringe Residual Activity (uCi): 104.0
Background Syringe Residual Time: 15:36:00
Background Fill Volume (mL): 9507.0
Sphere Activity Syringe (uCi): 969.0
Sphere Syringe Time: 14:38:00
Sphere Syringe Residual Activity (uCi): 31.0
Sphere Syringe Residual Time: 14:44:00
Sphere Solution Volume (mL): 1000.0
Expected Contrast: 10.44754695892334
Software Name: analyzeInsertPhantom
Software Version: 1.0.0
Software Date: 2018-06-01
In [4]:
# Pull out spehere ID's and diameters: using (software in-buit) Model key
# json_normalize is faster than 'for' statement
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
#print("************** SPHERE ID, MODEL POSITION, AND DIAMETER **************")
#model_id = pd.json_normalize(data['Model'])
# It looks like the recent version of json file contains 'MeasurementModel' key instead of 'Model'
model_id = pd.json_normalize(data['MeasurementModel'])
# model_id   

# Let us round position values to 4 decimal places
# Create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(model_id)

# Flatten Positions with pd.series
df_p = df['Position'].apply(pd.Series)

df_p_0 = df_p[0].apply(pd.Series)
df_p_1 = df_p[1].apply(pd.Series)
df_p_2 = df_p[2].apply(pd.Series)

# Round position values to 4 decimal places
df_p_0 = round(df_p_0, 4)
df_p_1 = round(df_p_1, 4)
df_p_2 = round(df_p_2, 4)

# Rename Position[X, Y, Z] as:
df_p_0.columns = ['Pos_X']
df_p_1.columns = ['Pos_Y']
df_p_2.columns = ['Pos_Z']

df_new = pd.concat([df, df_p_0, df_p_1, df_p_2], axis=1)

# Drop the old column Position and visualize it
df_new = df_new.drop(columns=['Position'])

# Re-arrange columns 
df_new = df_new[['ModelPointId', 'Pos_X', 'Pos_Y', 'Pos_Z', 'Diameter', 'Type']]
printmd('**Table 1: Pos_X, Pos_Y and Pos_Z are centroids of the Model spheres**')

Table 1: Pos_X, Pos_Y and Pos_Z are centroids of the Model spheres

ModelPointId Pos_X Pos_Y Pos_Z Diameter Type
0 0 48.3359 12.7891 -418.0352 37.0 insert
1 1 22.6953 7.5234 -377.9853 28.0 insert
2 2 101.1953 -6.1797 -226.7559 22.0 insert
3 3 -0.7422 12.4297 -325.3555 17.0 insert
4 4 -1.7734 -8.4766 -259.9158 13.0 insert
5 5 -1.0391 -4.2734 -289.0757 10.0 insert
6 6 -3.5391 1.9297 -229.2159 7.0 insert
7 7 82.3203 7.4922 -350.0154 22.0 insert
8 8 -55.9297 14.6641 -295.4256 17.0 insert
9 9 -82.8047 -21.4141 -340.3955 13.0 insert
10 10 56.3828 -3.7734 -289.8457 10.0 insert
11 11 68.0547 -3.2734 -289.3457 10.0 insert
12 12 -135.8031 -7.7955 -258.1431 -1.0 background
13 13 -102.1214 -3.7823 -231.0025 -1.0 background
14 14 135.6519 25.3002 -234.5059 -1.0 background
15 15 138.3429 -17.8733 -269.5356 -1.0 background
16 16 0.4945 22.9432 -413.1833 -1.0 background
17 17 -19.5152 -24.5999 -419.6081 -1.0 background
18 18 -137.5816 -5.5109 -273.0385 -1.0 background
19 19 -112.3611 -3.8378 -237.6905 -1.0 background
20 20 128.5956 6.8138 -257.5738 -1.0 background
21 21 9.5145 1.8705 -192.7232 -1.0 background
22 22 2.0806 -2.6340 -415.1870 -1.0 background
23 23 -132.8828 -31.7490 -249.7833 -1.0 background
24 24 134.2156 -20.8915 -238.5171 -1.0 background
25 25 20.2679 -28.8630 -419.8929 -1.0 background
26 26 25.5619 -24.4323 -196.7767 -1.0 background
27 27 -65.8990 -32.3931 -424.9892 -1.0 background
28 28 1.1275 18.0137 -410.6245 -1.0 background
29 29 146.5054 27.0259 -240.4557 -1.0 background
30 30 112.4371 22.2772 -419.7333 -1.0 background
31 31 -120.5367 16.1297 -253.8455 -1.0 background
32 32 -7.0298 14.2165 -273.3814 -1.0 background
33 33 13.3549 19.5704 -204.2642 -1.0 background
34 34 -30.2292 -16.3953 -216.1298 -1.0 background
35 35 -25.8145 -15.6769 -412.1678 -1.0 background
36 36 97.7479 -2.3269 -416.1501 -1.0 background
37 37 -42.2321 -24.9844 -420.2341 -1.0 background
38 38 138.5044 -7.8633 -232.9686 -1.0 background
39 39 142.4784 -8.5067 -275.3357 -1.0 background
40 40 1.4923 -9.3376 -382.5113 -1.0 background
41 41 -0.2763 30.8407 -376.9024 -1.0 background
In [5]:
# Pull out phantom measurement spehere ID's and diameters: using MeasurementModel key (Transformed Position)
measurement_ids = pd.json_normalize(data, "MeasurementModel")    
# Create the dataframe
ef = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(measurement_ids)

# Flatten Positions with pd.series
ef_p = ef['Position'].apply(pd.Series)

ef_p_0 = ef_p[0].apply(pd.Series)
ef_p_1 = ef_p[1].apply(pd.Series)
ef_p_2 = ef_p[2].apply(pd.Series)

# Round position values to 4 decimal places
ef_p_0 = round(ef_p_0, 4)
ef_p_1 = round(ef_p_1, 4)
ef_p_2 = round(ef_p_2, 4)

# Rename Position[X, Y, Z] as:
ef_p_0.columns = ['Pos_X']
ef_p_1.columns = ['Pos_Y']
ef_p_2.columns = ['Pos_Z']

ef_new = pd.concat([ef, ef_p_0, ef_p_1, ef_p_2], axis=1)

# Drop the old column Position and visualize it
ef_new = ef_new.drop(columns=['Position'])

# Re-arrange columns 
ef_new = ef_new[['ModelPointId', 'Pos_X', 'Pos_Y', 'Pos_Z', 'Diameter', 'Type']]
print('**Note: Pos_X, Pos_Y and Pos_Z are centroids of the spheres**')


**Note: Pos_X, Pos_Y and Pos_Z are centroids of the spheres**
ModelPointId Pos_X Pos_Y Pos_Z Diameter Type
0 0 48.3359 12.7891 -418.0352 37.0 insert
1 1 22.6953 7.5234 -377.9853 28.0 insert
2 2 101.1953 -6.1797 -226.7559 22.0 insert
3 3 -0.7422 12.4297 -325.3555 17.0 insert
4 4 -1.7734 -8.4766 -259.9158 13.0 insert
5 5 -1.0391 -4.2734 -289.0757 10.0 insert
6 6 -3.5391 1.9297 -229.2159 7.0 insert
7 7 82.3203 7.4922 -350.0154 22.0 insert
8 8 -55.9297 14.6641 -295.4256 17.0 insert
9 9 -82.8047 -21.4141 -340.3955 13.0 insert
10 10 56.3828 -3.7734 -289.8457 10.0 insert
11 11 68.0547 -3.2734 -289.3457 10.0 insert
12 12 -135.8031 -7.7955 -258.1431 -1.0 background
13 13 -102.1214 -3.7823 -231.0025 -1.0 background
14 14 135.6519 25.3002 -234.5059 -1.0 background
15 15 138.3429 -17.8733 -269.5356 -1.0 background
16 16 0.4945 22.9432 -413.1833 -1.0 background
17 17 -19.5152 -24.5999 -419.6081 -1.0 background
18 18 -137.5816 -5.5109 -273.0385 -1.0 background
19 19 -112.3611 -3.8378 -237.6905 -1.0 background
20 20 128.5956 6.8138 -257.5738 -1.0 background
21 21 9.5145 1.8705 -192.7232 -1.0 background
22 22 2.0806 -2.6340 -415.1870 -1.0 background
23 23 -132.8828 -31.7490 -249.7833 -1.0 background
24 24 134.2156 -20.8915 -238.5171 -1.0 background
25 25 20.2679 -28.8630 -419.8929 -1.0 background
26 26 25.5619 -24.4323 -196.7767 -1.0 background
27 27 -65.8990 -32.3931 -424.9892 -1.0 background
28 28 1.1275 18.0137 -410.6245 -1.0 background
29 29 146.5054 27.0259 -240.4557 -1.0 background
30 30 112.4371 22.2772 -419.7333 -1.0 background
31 31 -120.5367 16.1297 -253.8455 -1.0 background
32 32 -7.0298 14.2165 -273.3814 -1.0 background
33 33 13.3549 19.5704 -204.2642 -1.0 background
34 34 -30.2292 -16.3953 -216.1298 -1.0 background
35 35 -25.8145 -15.6769 -412.1678 -1.0 background
36 36 97.7479 -2.3269 -416.1501 -1.0 background
37 37 -42.2321 -24.9844 -420.2341 -1.0 background
38 38 138.5044 -7.8633 -232.9686 -1.0 background
39 39 142.4784 -8.5067 -275.3357 -1.0 background
40 40 1.4923 -9.3376 -382.5113 -1.0 background
41 41 -0.2763 30.8407 -376.9024 -1.0 background
In [6]:
# Let us check the JSON phantom key "Measurements"
measurements = pd.json_normalize(data['Measurements']) 

# let us check the index, columns and values of pandas Dataframe "measurements"
index = measurements.index
columns = measurements.columns
values = measurements.values
# columns   # to pull out Pull out columns headers name

# Let us set rows and columns of the data to be visualize, set each as 500. The default value is 10, i.e, if no number of 
# rows or columns are specified it will print only 10 rows

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)

# Let's select all the columns -- ModelPointId, Diameter, IsInsert, Mean, etc. (see below)
# Let us read all data values in measurements; it is the block of all data values for all spheres. 
# We can pull out the data for individual spheres; see below for each spheres

# let us round the data for 4 decimal place, data [] are not numbers so special treatment should be done if we are interested!
# If you want to visualize all the data then uncomment following two lines
#print("********************* COLLECTIVE TABLE FOR SPHERE INSERTS AND BACKGROUND ROI'S FOR ALL DIAMETERS ************************")
#round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Center', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500', 'PeakLocation', 'Peak500Location']], 4)
In [7]:
# Data belong to sphere size 37 mm
# First column is the index

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)  # None is unlimited, default 10 rows
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)

# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 37.0 mm
printmd('**Table 3: STATISTICS OF 37 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_37mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 37.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]


ModelPointId Diameter IsInsert Mean StdDev Max Peak Peak500
12 12 37.0 False 1.1774 0.1886 1.7673 1.4000 1.4373
19 13 37.0 False 1.1787 0.1948 1.8401 1.4001 1.4352
26 14 37.0 False 1.1567 0.1758 1.6921 1.4385 1.4878
33 15 37.0 False 1.1830 0.1718 1.7957 1.4446 1.5157
40 16 37.0 False 1.3826 0.2193 2.1062 1.5988 1.6833
47 17 37.0 False 1.2527 0.1816 1.8844 1.4981 1.5441
54 18 37.0 False 1.2253 0.1825 1.7673 1.4285 1.4891
61 19 37.0 False 1.2328 0.2041 1.8401 1.4098 1.4566
68 20 37.0 False 1.2562 0.2107 2.0027 1.5320 1.6433
75 21 37.0 False 1.1543 0.1359 1.6036 1.3283 1.3637
82 22 37.0 False 1.3638 0.2051 2.0142 1.5988 1.6814
89 23 37.0 False 1.1084 0.1660 1.5505 1.2728 1.3244
96 24 37.0 False 1.0713 0.1854 1.9178 1.4446 1.5233
103 25 37.0 False 1.1972 0.1956 1.8053 1.4740 1.5374
110 26 37.0 False 1.0799 0.1457 1.5569 1.3101 1.3368
117 27 37.0 False 1.0923 0.1608 1.5798 1.3421 1.3770
124 28 37.0 False 1.3839 0.2296 2.1062 1.6338 1.6718
131 29 37.0 False 1.1161 0.1652 1.7505 1.3578 1.3931
138 30 37.0 False 1.1691 0.1424 1.6518 1.3167 1.3775
145 31 37.0 False 1.2528 0.2090 1.8150 1.4419 1.4961
152 32 37.0 False 1.4412 0.3509 4.0323 2.3187 2.3380
159 33 37.0 False 1.2137 0.1672 1.7980 1.4272 1.5029
166 34 37.0 False 1.1710 0.1836 1.8009 1.4613 1.5189
173 35 37.0 False 1.3127 0.1975 1.8455 1.5291 1.5799
180 36 37.0 False 1.2102 0.1724 1.7651 1.3912 1.4276
187 37 37.0 False 1.2289 0.1856 1.8455 1.4175 1.4746
194 38 37.0 False 1.0688 0.1637 1.9178 1.3517 1.4315
201 39 37.0 False 1.1872 0.1670 1.7550 1.4199 1.4673
208 40 37.0 False 1.6121 1.3012 9.2071 7.4419 7.8291
215 41 37.0 False 1.4720 0.5611 7.3516 4.7387 4.8766
In [8]:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)  # None is unlimited, default 10 rows
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)

# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 28.0 mm
printmd('**Table 4: STATISTICS OF 28 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_28mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 28.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]



ModelPointId Diameter IsInsert Mean StdDev Max Peak Peak500
13 12 28.0 False 1.1667 0.1976 1.7510 1.3263 1.3605
20 13 28.0 False 1.1730 0.2099 1.7490 1.3650 1.3998
27 14 28.0 False 1.1601 0.1869 1.6638 1.3462 1.3745
34 15 28.0 False 1.1713 0.1704 1.6613 1.3392 1.3760
41 16 28.0 False 1.3943 0.2168 1.9913 1.5608 1.6001
48 17 28.0 False 1.2345 0.1809 1.8455 1.4038 1.4326
55 18 28.0 False 1.2146 0.1830 1.7673 1.3890 1.4373
62 19 28.0 False 1.2288 0.2087 1.7490 1.4001 1.4182
69 20 28.0 False 1.2579 0.2188 2.0027 1.5320 1.6433
76 21 28.0 False 1.1504 0.1381 1.5914 1.3329 1.3628
83 22 28.0 False 1.3431 0.2220 2.0142 1.5576 1.6297
90 23 28.0 False 1.1014 0.1638 1.5069 1.2501 1.2694
97 24 28.0 False 1.0754 0.1898 1.9178 1.3699 1.4164
104 25 28.0 False 1.1689 0.1885 1.7064 1.3954 1.4209
111 26 28.0 False 1.0895 0.1511 1.5569 1.2780 1.3307
118 27 28.0 False 1.0785 0.1682 1.5313 1.2998 1.3402
125 28 28.0 False 1.3889 0.2261 1.9885 1.5516 1.6001
132 29 28.0 False 1.1109 0.1652 1.5658 1.2976 1.3184
139 30 28.0 False 1.1688 0.1492 1.6518 1.3146 1.3669
146 31 28.0 False 1.2679 0.2134 1.8150 1.4362 1.4961
153 32 28.0 False 1.4451 0.3009 2.3424 1.8093 1.9120
160 33 28.0 False 1.2153 0.1688 1.7394 1.4261 1.4935
167 34 28.0 False 1.1665 0.1868 1.6834 1.3475 1.4164
174 35 28.0 False 1.3234 0.2050 1.8455 1.4736 1.5193
181 36 28.0 False 1.2266 0.1665 1.6746 1.3912 1.4276
188 37 28.0 False 1.2267 0.1932 1.7439 1.4172 1.4746
195 38 28.0 False 1.0735 0.1692 1.6398 1.2228 1.2446
202 39 28.0 False 1.1674 0.1775 1.7298 1.3883 1.4396
209 40 28.0 False 1.4502 0.8251 7.1230 4.6161 4.7618
216 41 28.0 False 1.4539 0.2513 2.2785 1.9862 1.9254
In [9]:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)  # None is unlimited, default 10 rows
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)

# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 22.0 mm
printmd('**Table 5: STATISTICS OF 22 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_22mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 22.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]



ModelPointId Diameter IsInsert Mean StdDev Max Peak Peak500
14 12 22.0 False 1.1598 0.2006 1.6325 1.2993 1.3249
21 13 22.0 False 1.1581 0.2223 1.7490 1.3589 1.3998
28 14 22.0 False 1.1442 0.1949 1.6544 1.3101 1.3745
35 15 22.0 False 1.1663 0.1773 1.5942 1.3032 1.3266
42 16 22.0 False 1.3743 0.2380 1.8789 1.5182 1.5694
49 17 22.0 False 1.2103 0.1694 1.5437 1.3516 1.3572
56 18 22.0 False 1.2032 0.1808 1.7673 1.3355 1.3530
63 19 22.0 False 1.2344 0.2210 1.7302 1.3873 1.4135
70 20 22.0 False 1.2819 0.2350 2.0027 1.5320 1.6433
77 21 22.0 False 1.1537 0.1466 1.5827 1.3065 1.3554
84 22 22.0 False 1.2955 0.2400 2.0142 1.5603 1.6294
91 23 22.0 False 1.0813 0.1753 1.4512 1.1839 1.2270
98 24 22.0 False 1.0599 0.1872 1.5919 1.2876 1.3198
105 25 22.0 False 1.1693 0.1813 1.6500 1.3576 1.4188
112 26 22.0 False 1.0798 0.1519 1.5569 1.2285 1.2636
119 27 22.0 False 1.0771 0.1693 1.5313 1.2826 1.3269
126 28 22.0 False 1.3827 0.2345 1.8789 1.5515 1.6001
133 29 22.0 False 1.1180 0.1658 1.4406 1.2446 1.2848
140 30 22.0 False 1.1550 0.1575 1.5408 1.2705 1.3063
147 31 22.0 False 1.2668 0.2232 1.8150 1.4426 1.4961
154 32 22.0 False 1.4513 0.3083 2.2058 1.7710 1.8513
161 33 22.0 False 1.2340 0.1900 1.7394 1.4261 1.4935
168 34 22.0 False 1.1861 0.2070 1.6734 1.2974 1.3332
175 35 22.0 False 1.3387 0.2137 1.8455 1.4483 1.5011
182 36 22.0 False 1.2194 0.1771 1.6746 1.3912 1.4276
189 37 22.0 False 1.2273 0.1939 1.7357 1.4172 1.4693
196 38 22.0 False 1.0999 0.1727 1.5919 1.1704 1.2197
203 39 22.0 False 1.1297 0.1953 1.6301 1.3623 1.4051
210 40 22.0 False 1.3726 0.4391 3.5953 2.6471 2.5615
217 41 22.0 False 1.4397 0.2510 1.9819 1.6750 1.6412
In [10]:
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)

# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 17.0 mm
printmd('**Table 6: STATISTICS OF 17 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_17mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 17.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]



ModelPointId Diameter IsInsert Mean StdDev Max Peak Peak500
15 12 17.0 False 1.1451 0.2200 1.6325 1.2657 1.3249
22 13 17.0 False 1.1352 0.2471 1.7490 1.2961 1.3165
29 14 17.0 False 1.1209 0.2067 1.5222 1.3101 1.3745
36 15 17.0 False 1.1661 0.1890 1.4638 1.2656 1.2908
43 16 17.0 False 1.3500 0.2310 1.8785 1.4775 1.5280
50 17 17.0 False 1.2007 0.1583 1.5009 1.2920 1.3052
57 18 17.0 False 1.1897 0.1876 1.7452 1.2889 1.3165
64 19 17.0 False 1.2418 0.2341 1.6855 1.3650 1.3998
71 20 17.0 False 1.3243 0.2673 2.0027 1.5320 1.6433
78 21 17.0 False 1.1382 0.1590 1.5827 1.2438 1.2651
85 22 17.0 False 1.2637 0.2071 1.6550 1.4575 1.4770
92 23 17.0 False 1.0527 0.1808 1.3926 1.1595 1.1939
99 24 17.0 False 1.0457 0.1734 1.3970 1.1427 1.1611
106 25 17.0 False 1.1813 0.1900 1.6500 1.3169 1.3692
113 26 17.0 False 1.0758 0.1668 1.5569 1.2034 1.2636
120 27 17.0 False 1.0765 0.1738 1.5313 1.2495 1.2867
127 28 17.0 False 1.3601 0.2263 1.8349 1.5047 1.5383
134 29 17.0 False 1.1506 0.1789 1.4406 1.2345 1.2848
141 30 17.0 False 1.1427 0.1583 1.4830 1.2309 1.2535
148 31 17.0 False 1.2491 0.2384 1.8150 1.3837 1.4462
155 32 17.0 False 1.4445 0.3240 2.1746 1.7280 1.8186
162 33 17.0 False 1.2479 0.2075 1.7394 1.4261 1.4935
169 34 17.0 False 1.2024 0.2205 1.6328 1.2974 1.3332
176 35 17.0 False 1.3634 0.2262 1.8455 1.4219 1.4764
183 36 17.0 False 1.1926 0.1980 1.6746 1.3498 1.4085
190 37 17.0 False 1.2220 0.1878 1.7357 1.3933 1.4518
197 38 17.0 False 1.1295 0.1793 1.5919 1.1631 1.2197
204 39 17.0 False 1.1068 0.1940 1.5929 1.2754 1.3087
211 40 17.0 False 1.3167 0.3328 2.3973 1.8638 1.7856
218 41 17.0 False 1.4279 0.2929 1.9413 1.5727 1.6257
In [11]:
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)

# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 13.0 mm
printmd('**Table 7: STATISTICS OF 13 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_13mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 13.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]



ModelPointId Diameter IsInsert Mean StdDev Max Peak Peak500
16 12 13.0 False 1.1029 0.2598 1.6325 1.2033 1.2415
23 13 13.0 False 1.1063 0.2411 1.5056 1.2478 1.2405
30 14 13.0 False 1.1005 0.2255 1.5091 1.2769 1.2966
37 15 13.0 False 1.1758 0.2177 1.4638 1.2725 1.2908
44 16 13.0 False 1.3241 0.2468 1.7762 1.4625 1.5112
51 17 13.0 False 1.1899 0.1833 1.5009 1.2719 1.3036
58 18 13.0 False 1.1813 0.2041 1.5235 1.2664 1.2884
65 19 13.0 False 1.2532 0.2453 1.6387 1.3400 1.3683
72 20 13.0 False 1.3593 0.3041 2.0027 1.5395 1.6433
79 21 13.0 False 1.1112 0.1450 1.3680 1.2220 1.2215
86 22 13.0 False 1.2418 0.2079 1.6550 1.3623 1.3472
93 23 13.0 False 1.0173 0.2071 1.3926 1.1317 1.1675
100 24 13.0 False 1.0202 0.1935 1.3481 1.1215 1.1593
107 25 13.0 False 1.1873 0.1987 1.6162 1.2702 1.2770
114 26 13.0 False 1.0903 0.2006 1.5569 1.1869 1.2304
121 27 13.0 False 1.0711 0.1867 1.5313 1.2074 1.2417
128 28 13.0 False 1.3487 0.2342 1.7509 1.4645 1.5050
135 29 13.0 False 1.1970 0.2070 1.4406 1.2345 1.2848
142 30 13.0 False 1.1253 0.1725 1.4830 1.2112 1.2255
149 31 13.0 False 1.2071 0.2791 1.8150 1.3008 1.3160
156 32 13.0 False 1.4421 0.3567 2.1746 1.6413 1.7052
163 33 13.0 False 1.2489 0.2275 1.6198 1.3943 1.4429
170 34 13.0 False 1.2205 0.2433 1.6245 1.2974 1.3332
177 35 13.0 False 1.3937 0.2051 1.6898 1.4219 1.4537
184 36 13.0 False 1.1566 0.2221 1.6746 1.3449 1.3702
191 37 13.0 False 1.2104 0.2010 1.6793 1.3598 1.4040
198 38 13.0 False 1.1458 0.1909 1.5919 1.1631 1.2197
205 39 13.0 False 1.0946 0.1818 1.4464 1.2453 1.2763
212 40 13.0 False 1.2581 0.2727 1.7600 1.5266 1.4718
219 41 13.0 False 1.4291 0.3287 1.9413 1.5456 1.5854
In [12]:
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)

# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 13.0 mm
printmd('**Table 8: STATISTICS OF 10 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_10mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 10.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]



ModelPointId Diameter IsInsert Mean StdDev Max Peak Peak500
17 12 10.0 False 1.0501 0.2802 1.6325 1.1777 1.2052
24 13 10.0 False 1.0765 0.2377 1.3880 1.2088 1.2003
31 14 10.0 False 1.0740 0.2154 1.3733 1.2093 1.2353
38 15 10.0 False 1.1934 0.2531 1.4638 1.2473 1.2828
45 16 10.0 False 1.2790 0.2784 1.7762 1.3987 1.4079
52 17 10.0 False 1.1769 0.2076 1.5009 1.2532 1.2657
59 18 10.0 False 1.1673 0.2224 1.5235 1.2371 1.2666
66 19 10.0 False 1.2710 0.2531 1.6387 1.3143 1.3683
73 20 10.0 False 1.3787 0.3612 2.0027 1.4827 1.5691
80 21 10.0 False 1.0895 0.1403 1.3062 1.1745 1.1534
87 22 10.0 False 1.2257 0.2133 1.5052 1.3371 1.3438
94 23 10.0 False 0.9895 0.2087 1.3580 1.0997 1.1401
101 24 10.0 False 0.9960 0.1932 1.3299 1.0637 1.0869
108 25 10.0 False 1.1900 0.2149 1.3954 1.2298 1.2399
115 26 10.0 False 1.1121 0.2545 1.5569 1.1733 1.2229
122 27 10.0 False 1.0629 0.1721 1.3649 1.1692 1.1774
129 28 10.0 False 1.3431 0.2642 1.6783 1.4445 1.4799
136 29 10.0 False 1.2526 0.2387 1.4406 1.2345 1.2848
143 30 10.0 False 1.1062 0.1377 1.3341 1.1823 1.1866
150 31 10.0 False 1.1660 0.2362 1.5916 1.2729 1.2682
157 32 10.0 False 1.4538 0.3721 1.9545 1.6413 1.7052
164 33 10.0 False 1.2466 0.2290 1.6198 1.3254 1.3720
171 34 10.0 False 1.2505 0.2531 1.5260 1.2974 1.3332
178 35 10.0 False 1.4257 0.2030 1.6898 1.4127 1.4440
185 36 10.0 False 1.1363 0.2411 1.6746 1.2691 1.2857
192 37 10.0 False 1.1987 0.2251 1.6153 1.3090 1.3355
199 38 10.0 False 1.1607 0.2177 1.5080 1.1631 1.2197
206 39 10.0 False 1.0909 0.1908 1.3260 1.1608 1.1810
213 40 10.0 False 1.2080 0.3081 1.7600 1.3540 1.3868
220 41 10.0 False 1.4591 0.3564 1.9413 1.4972 1.5504
In [13]:
df = round(measurements[['ModelPointId', 'Diameter', 'IsInsert', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Max', 'Peak', 'Peak500']], 4)

# Select rows where the diameter of the sphere is 13.0 mm
printmd('**Table 9: STATISTICS OF 7 MM DIAMETER SPHERE**')
select_7mm = df.loc[(df['Diameter'] == 7.0) & (df['IsInsert'] == False)]



ModelPointId Diameter IsInsert Mean StdDev Max Peak Peak500
18 12 7.0 False 1.0156 0.2410 1.6325 1.1617 1.1977
25 13 7.0 False 1.0636 0.1796 1.2766 1.1500 1.1299
32 14 7.0 False 1.0363 0.1907 1.2990 1.1378 1.1326
39 15 7.0 False 1.2161 0.2626 1.3535 1.2519 1.2828
46 16 7.0 False 1.2324 0.1744 1.5125 1.3905 1.4138
53 17 7.0 False 1.2045 0.1553 1.5009 1.2412 1.2619
60 18 7.0 False 1.1386 0.2022 1.5235 1.2239 1.2530
67 19 7.0 False 1.2971 0.3271 1.6387 1.3076 1.3271
74 20 7.0 False 1.3152 0.2648 1.8486 1.4545 1.5154
81 21 7.0 False 1.0767 0.1261 1.2110 1.1324 1.1313
88 22 7.0 False 1.1499 0.1854 1.4801 1.2833 1.2929
95 23 7.0 False 0.9493 0.3154 1.3580 1.0626 1.0662
102 24 7.0 False 0.9726 0.1936 1.3299 1.0717 1.0922
109 25 7.0 False 1.1858 0.2271 1.3954 1.2096 1.2374
116 26 7.0 False 1.0893 0.2098 1.5160 1.1597 1.2008
123 27 7.0 False 1.0340 0.1385 1.3649 1.1394 1.1363
130 28 7.0 False 1.3251 0.2684 1.5845 1.3962 1.4083
137 29 7.0 False 1.2924 0.2076 1.4406 1.2354 1.2879
144 30 7.0 False 1.0724 0.1065 1.2779 1.1573 1.1543
151 31 7.0 False 1.1212 0.1813 1.4205 1.2545 1.2635
158 32 7.0 False 1.4760 0.4481 1.9545 1.5025 1.5306
165 33 7.0 False 1.2262 0.2136 1.6198 1.3259 1.3631
172 34 7.0 False 1.2931 0.1395 1.4846 1.2840 1.3094
179 35 7.0 False 1.4725 0.1595 1.6898 1.4179 1.4526
186 36 7.0 False 1.1124 0.1611 1.3294 1.2313 1.2265
193 37 7.0 False 1.2671 0.2406 1.6153 1.3167 1.3640
200 38 7.0 False 1.1347 0.1651 1.5080 1.1538 1.1960
207 39 7.0 False 1.1192 0.1467 1.2992 1.1376 1.1775
214 40 7.0 False 1.1683 0.2803 1.5090 1.3236 1.3133
221 41 7.0 False 1.5403 0.3191 1.9413 1.4806 1.5416
In [14]:
# background mean per sphere diameter
BackgroundMeanPerDiameter = pd.json_normalize(data['BackgroundMeanPerDiameter'])
ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios'])

BackgroundMeanPerDiameter = BackgroundMeanPerDiameter.rename(index={0: "RCMean"})
BackgroundMeanPerDiameter = BackgroundMeanPerDiameter.transpose()

ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios = ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios.rename(index={0: "ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatio"})
ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios = ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios.transpose()

output = pd.concat([BackgroundMeanPerDiameter, ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatios], axis=1, sort=False)
printmd('**Table 10: RC mean & Contrast Recovery To Noise Ratio**')


Table 10: RC mean & Contrast Recovery To Noise Ratio

RCMean ContrastRecoveryToNoiseRatio
7 1.128097 0.793568
10 1.141656 2.588100
13 1.166577 3.757512
17 1.186318 4.598321
22 1.202161 5.194744
28 1.216627 5.907841
37 1.221869 5.613082
In [15]:
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

A = pd.json_normalize(data['RecoveryCoefficentsMean'])
B = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryCoefficentsMean'])
C = pd.json_normalize(data['RecoveryCoefficentsMax'])
D = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryCoefficentsMax'])
E = pd.json_normalize(data['RecoveryCoefficentsPeak'])
F = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryCoefficentsPeak'])
G = pd.json_normalize(data['RecoveryCoefficentsPeak500'])
H = pd.json_normalize(data['ContrastRecoveryCoefficentsPeak500'])

A = A.rename(index={0: "RCMean"})
A = A.transpose()

B = B.rename(index={0: "CRCMean"})
B = B.transpose()

C = C.rename(index={0: "RCMax"})
C = C.transpose()

D = D.rename(index={0: "CRCMax"})
D = D.transpose()

E = E.rename(index={0: "RCPeak"})
E = E.transpose()

F = F.rename(index={0: "CRCPeak"})
F = F.transpose()

G = G.rename(index={0: "RCPeak500"})
G = G.transpose()

H = H.rename(index={0: "CRCPeak500"})
H = H.transpose()
result = pd.concat([A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H], axis=1, sort=False)
printmd('**Table 11: STATISTICS IN TABULAR FORM**')
printmd('Note: Upper 37-7 mm sphere data in table are for uniform background, and lower 22-10 mm for lung background')
# Add diameter (mm) information
# Indexes 0, 1, 2, ....11 are respectively 37, 28, 22, 17, 13, 10, 7, 22, 17, 13, 10, 10 mm spheres
# Rename the index numbers by spheres diameters

result.index = [37, 28, 22, 17, 13, 10, 7, 22, 17, 13, 10, 10]


Note: Upper 37-7 mm sphere data in table are for uniform background, and lower 22-10 mm for lung background

RCMean CRCMean RCMax CRCMax RCPeak CRCPeak RCPeak500 CRCPeak500
37 0.626730 0.587220 0.826013 0.807596 0.770045 0.745705 0.778598 0.755163
28 0.595728 0.552937 0.822095 0.803264 0.752121 0.725884 0.771180 0.746960
22 0.516259 0.465056 0.725447 0.696387 0.661438 0.625602 0.678396 0.644355
17 0.462529 0.405639 0.655195 0.618699 0.546710 0.498731 0.586486 0.542717
13 0.410498 0.348101 0.625574 0.585942 0.412356 0.350155 0.474820 0.419231
10 0.335031 0.264646 0.456483 0.398953 0.284223 0.208459 0.331266 0.260482
7 0.178849 0.091932 0.232414 0.151166 0.147571 0.057344 0.166050 0.077779
22 0.528518 0.478613 0.794111 0.772318 0.696329 0.664186 0.725020 0.695914
17 0.453719 0.395896 0.658269 0.622098 0.550106 0.502486 0.595288 0.552450
13 0.355930 0.287757 0.522386 0.471832 0.355031 0.286763 0.407329 0.344596
10 0.339176 0.269229 0.481658 0.426792 0.291828 0.216870 0.342423 0.272821
10 0.319070 0.246995 0.447485 0.389003 0.279048 0.202737 0.323407 0.251791
In [16]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline 
x = 37, 28, 22, 17, 13, 10
y =  A[0:6]                  # A is Recovery Ceofficient Mean from above table
y1 = B[0:6]
y2 = C[0:6]
y3 = D[0:6]
y4 = E[0:6]
y5 = F[0:6]
y6 = G[0:6]
y7 = H[0:6]

plt.xlabel('Sphere Diameter (mm)',fontsize=20)

plt.plot(x, y, label='RCMean', color='red', linestyle='dashed', marker='o', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y1, label='CRCMean', color='blue', linestyle='dashed', marker='v', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y2, label='RCMax', color='yellow', linestyle='dashed', marker='^', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y3, label='CRCMax', color='black', linestyle='dashed', marker='8', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y4, label='RCPeak', color='grey', linestyle='dashed', marker='p', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y5, label='CRCPeak', color='brown', linestyle='dashed', marker='P', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y6, label='RCPeak500', color='green', linestyle='dashed', marker='H', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x, y7, label='CRCPeak500', color='magenta', linestyle='dashed', marker='+', markersize=10)

plt.legend(loc='lower right',prop={'size': 12})
#plt.title('Statistics vs. sphere diameter', fontsize=16 )
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2539c763a08>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>